Monday 29 November 2010

Finished Screenplay

Blood Powder Screen Play

Michael-Lee Davies


ENZI and JOE are walking down the alley with a large suspicious duffel bag, they are deep in some banter, until they round a corner, greeted by a group of armed detectives. The screen becomes greyscale, and time slows sown and stops as ENZI’s dialogue commences as diagetic narration.

So let me tell you a little story, eh? A little tale about how
Me and a buddy o’ mine got set up yeah?, but ya’ know, it aint


Straight cut to the outside of a house as ENZI and JOE walk down the street and into the house, making sure they aren’t being followed.

So anyways this was about a week ago, me ‘n’ my buddy JOE hear get a phone call from Mr Giuseppe, our Don, the big man, the guy non a yous wanna fuck with. Anyways, he wanted to see us, so, we do.


Once inside the house a straight cut to them opening a door and peering into a room where a  figure is seated behind a desk. By his desk lamp as the only light. Once let in the two take there seat as the Don starts to talk to them.

So we walk into the office, and it’s a regular scene ya know? Wise guys comin in, comin out, yada yada, I digress. So me ‘n’ JOE, we sit down at the desk and ask whats up and Marco looks up, says he asked for the two of us personally because he knew he could trust us.

The two look on with smiles on there faces as if they were hearing good news, the Don Marco makes a few gestures with his hands, and hands the two men a folder with photos and reports.

My first ever hit, man I was so excited, don’t get me wrong it sounds crooked but when you come in to this kinda work, you never wanna be stuck doing drop offs of selling fuckin’ shit, to the people worth even less than the shit your sellin’, ya know?

The two get up and walk out of the room, and are shown to the door by a woman, they then exchange looks with each other as the walk out of the door.

As long as JOE could keep his shit together we should be able to pull this off, in and out.


The two arrive suspiciously at the house in the folder and knock on the door, only to be answered by a girl, ENZI grabs her and throws her to JOE who holds her mouth and points a gun to her head, keeping her quiet. ENZI the nods to JOE and enters the house.


Well, in fact it went down with out a hitch, Arrive at the house, deal with a ‘complication’, enter, survey the surroundings, be silent, make contact with the target, remain silent, approach, gain attention, gain fear, deliver message both verbally [pause] and fuckin’ graphically. So simple it’s a beautiful thing, ya’know?. Not bad for my first day, at least that’s what I thought.

ENZI enters the house, and looks around for any sign of the victim, after peering into an empty room he comes across the victim in the bedroom, listening to a record, drinking scotch, obviously drunk. ENZI enters the room pointing the gun at the male, and stops the record playing. The male turns around as ENZI shouts orders to him motioning him to his knees, still keeping the gun pointing at the male (who at this point seems to be begging for his life) ENZI reaches for a picture within the folder. The male looks at the photo as ENZI reads from the back. Then the camera pans away as a non diegetic gunfire insinuated the murder completed, the screen fades to black as ENZI’s dialogue continues.


So later on that say, after layin’ low I got JOE knockin’ down my door. When I answer he’s got this smug look on his face like one of those fuckin’ Brooklyn wise guys. Anyway he’s talking some shit about how he just got back from a cat house talking to these broads, tippin’ him off about some large cocaine shipment, gotta’ go wit’ him to talk to this Irish, collect a sample before JOE gets a hold a the guy, with the real deal. I lay into him about his fuckin powder fix, say it causes nothin’ but blood an’ tears. But hey fuck it, the kinda money he was talkin’,  you’d have to have shit f’brains to turn it down.

JOE walks to ENZI’s door, knocks and ENZI answers, then a conversation ensues as a JOE motions over to a location and gestures that there is money involved. ENZI becomes more interested and suddenly turns shocked after hearing something JOE had told him. He gets angry so JOE attempts calms him down, and eventually persuades ENZI’ to follow, as the two leave the house and walk down the street in conversation.


ENZI and JOE turn a corner and notice the Dealer motioning them towards them, they then enter the yard through a gate making sure they weren’t followed and close the gate behind them, JOE is clutching a crowbar, for intimidation and protection purposes. A conversation between the dealer and ENZI ensues. ENZI shows the money to the dealer but not without first checking the ‘goods’ were of good quality, ENZI takes the bag from the dealer and passes it to JOE, who confirms its legitimacy and the deal continues, only for the dealer to be double crossed by the duo, as they leave after attacking the dealer, they walk out the gate with the goods and the money, not before adding insult to the dealer.


ENZI and JOE are walking down the alley with the large duffel bag, they are deep in some banter, until they round a corner, greeted by a group of armed detectives.

So anyways back were we left off, these fuckin’ cops appear outta nowheres asif by fuckin’ magic, first thoughts?

Fuckin’ set up…


The two place the duffle bag down on the floor with there hands in plain view, one cop comes over to take the bag, but JOE spots the suit case they had previously been carrying full of money.

What the fu…These aint fuckin’ cops. ENZI watchout!

JOE follow me!


ENZI punches the cop and takes back the bag, The two run for cover as the group of fake policemen/Irish grab their weapons, the screen cuts to black and gun fire and shouting is heard. Then the title screen introducing the film appears and the sound dies down.

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