Monday 4 October 2010

Synopsis For "Blood Powder"

Synopsis – Blood Powder

The sequence I have chosen is the opening sequence to a Crime genre Mafia sub genre film.

The sequence begins with Enzi Scoletta (Michael Davies) narrating a scene where he is being confronted by the police, then telling us how it all happened, taking us into a flash back.

The flashback (which is entirely narrated by Enzi, and dramatic music to break any silences, also in black and white) begins with Enzi talking to Don Marco Giuseppe about not dealing into drugs, that drugs are forbidden and Joe must stick to the Family Code. He then meets up with his fellow member Joe Venti, a wild card rogue who’s greed forces him to deal into a massive oncoming shipment of Cocaine, doing a deal with the Irish, but first him and Enzi must complete a few jobs in order to buy the cocaine to begin with, which they will then sell at a higher rate.

As the two arrive at the docking yard with the briefcase of money and  meet with the dealer who has a duffel bag of the cocaine, the exchange happens with the Irishman acting suspicious.

The deal goes off without a hitch but as the two leave with the bag they turn a corner only to be found by the police (where the colour returns to screen , stood there against a squad of armed men they have no choice but to surrender, Joe spots the officer in the back with scruffy shoes and makes a sarcastic joke about them, Enzi recognises these shoes as the ones the dealer was wearing and realises these are fake officers, posing as police so they can take the drugs and the money for themselves.

Enzi guns the nearest officer down and the screen blacks out, introducing the name of the film the audience is about to watch. With the sounds of Joe and Enzi shouting and gunfire in the background.

Michael-Lee Davies

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