Friday 8 October 2010

Aims & Context

Aims & Contexts

Aims -  The imagined film will be of the crime genre, more specifically under the gangster/mafia sub genre. It will be aimed at the demographic of young adults, older teenagers, a mainstream audience (18-25 years of age, those of which are old enough to view explicit content, to a range of older mid 20’s as around 24 is the age that tests have proven people to stop attending the cinema as often)as it will include taboo language, also there will be a lot of violence which would attract more of a male audience.
I will use Cinematography like high angles I used in my FM1 storyboard project to convey dominant characters and diagetic narration from the protagonist Enzi Scoletta. Also editing will be used to provide condensed time and flashbacks, in grayscale. So that the audience knows when it is the past and when it is the future.
Also the mise-en-scene and dialogue will be researched to provide historical accuracy using props such as liquor bottles, cigars and suits.

Context -  An opening sequence for the imagined Gangster Film, Blood Powder

Word Count: 188

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